┼ Lower The Flags - A Good Man Has Passed ┼
On February 19th, 2009 the former Sentenced guitarist Miika Tenkula passed away. He was only 34 years old. My deepest condolence is going to Miikas family, relatives, friends and his former mates from Sentenced.
Miika was the founder, lead-guitarist, main songwriter, heart, brain and soul of Sentenced. Sentenced was his life! He was (in my opinion) one of the best and most underrated guitarists in the whole metal-scene. His creativity and songwriting, his emotional leads and melodies were unique in the world of Heavy Metal and made him to a remarkable musician.
Miika, you reached the end of the road. Wherever you are now, I hope you are doing well and continue playing great music.
You made music for the eternity and you will live on in our hearts forever!!!
REST IN PEACE, Brother!!!
Now you are one with the Northern Lights...

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